Alfred 大学's 战略计划 2017-2022


在线赌博的战略计划建立在我们目前的优势上,并将我们的精力和资源集中在我们能够解决的最紧迫的问题上. 该计划的结构鼓励在对大学未来至关重要的三个关键领域实现重要目标的多维方法.

(2017年7月- 2022年6月)


Alfred 大学 is at an exciting juncture.

We can take pride in our 181-year history of inclusiveness. 在那段时间里, 我们的大学在机会和影响之间提供了一个显著的交叉点. 我们36人的贡献,000多名校友和他们的家人, 社区, 社会证明了我们大学有能力改变学生的生活,让我们的世界变得更好. 我们的毕业生已经开发出治疗胆红素的方法和矫正色盲的眼镜. 的y have contributed to the invention of Gorilla glass and created the means to transmit data and voice through fiber-optic cable. 他们鼓舞人心的艺术和设计作品装饰着全球领先的博物馆. 他们的创造力, 弹性, and leadership have shaped multi-billion dollar enterprises, 赢得了艾美奖, and facilitated travel around the globe as well as into space. 的ir kindness and empathy epitomize our values, are at the heart of the “Alfred hello,” and illuminate how differences can be our greatest, unifying strength rather than divide us.

Our future holds promising opportunities based on our values, 我们的课程和课外课程的广度和质量, the viability of markets that we serve, and the potential of markets that we have historically not addressed.

与此同时,我们的大学在一个越来越具有挑战性的环境中运作. Among the known challenges are demographic trends in up状态 New York, 排名, 我们州公立和私立高等教育机构的竞争日益激烈, and changes in federal tax policy toward the deductibility of charitable giving as well as 状态 and local taxes.

鉴于上述情况, 做出最佳的战略选择对我们大学的持续成功至关重要. 记住这一点, we have developed a 五年战略规划. 的 过程 我们所遵循的是一个漫长的过程,但已经允许计划的有机发展, a transition in presidential leadership, and extensive input by our constituents.

在以下部分中, 我们阐明了我们战略计划的核心要素将如何推进我们大学的使命, 愿景, 和价值观. We articulate how the plans of our various units dovetail with the overall strategic plan and determine our five-year financial plan. 这些材料有助于构建和评估我们大学的战略目标.

Advancing Our 任务, Vision, and Values

In 2015, our Board of Trustees approved a 251-word 状态ment of 我们的使命、愿景和价值观. An apt distillation of this 状态ment is to “provide the intersection between opportunity and impact” since it reflects:

  • 我们高度个性化的设置, 在哪里,教职员工致力于帮助我们的学生找到他们的激情,然后培养追求这些激情的信心.
  • Our intersections achieve productive outcomes because we approach them from diverse places and by different means.
  • Our inclusiveness from the start with regard to students of all races, 宗教, 种族, 和性别.
  • Our openness to students lacking sufficient financial means but laden with drive to improve themselves and better the world.
  • Our 校友’s observation that what they treasure most about our 大学 is that someone (教师, 工作人员, 和/或同学)对他们感兴趣,改变了他们的生活. 因此,我们可以为“我们的交集改变了学生的生活,改善了我们的世界”而感到自豪.”

Of the three themes articulated by our strategic plan, the first two (“Transform Student Lives and Better Our World” and “Forge Strength through Inclusivity”) focus largely on 我们的使命、愿景和价值观. 的 third theme (“Amplify our Impact”) outlines the key foundational initiatives required to attain our strategic goals. 在推进我们的使命方面, 愿景, 和价值观, 我们认为,在我们的战略计划中,有四项转型举措最值得关注:

1. Leverage our community, diversity, and inclusivity

Universities are pivotal places for students to identify their passions and then develop the confidence to pursue them. 由于我们的课程和人员的多样性以及我们社区的亲密性和包容性,我们的大学非常适合创造这种转型机会. 后者促进了我们的教职员工对学生体验的深刻承诺.

大学和其他组织一样,在寻求完成某些任务时也会创建“筒仓”. 然而,由于我们的规模较小,筒仓并不能为我们大学带来优势. Our strength lies in relying on our highly personalized setting and exposing students to the rich array of our offerings, thereby helping them to identify and pursue their passions. 随着我们的发展, 推进综合方法和消除学术和员工单位之间的孤岛,将成为我们所有战略举措的基础.

We already have made the borders between our offerings more porous, as exemplified by our arts management minor. 我们打算在科学和工程之间建立类似的跨学科桥梁, 科技与创业, 艺术,设计和工程, 还有文科和商业. 表演艺术和医疗保健提供了机会,将目前分散在校园各个领域的专业知识结合起来,以造福我们的学生. 我们将探索学生之间其他潜在的课程和课外交集, 工作人员, 和老师 so that we can continue to fulfill the social justice mission upon which we were established. 最后, given our commitment to inclusivity and transforming student lives, 我们将加强我们对学生的建议,这样我们就可以帮助我们的每一个学生更好地确定他们在我们大学的途径,以实现他们的潜力.

2. 促进顶点

研究表明,应用, 体验式学习体验s significantly determine a college student’s ultimate professional success. 当学生们有机会看到理论与现实世界数据的对比有多好,以及在传统课堂环境之外拓宽视野的方法, 他们获得了更大的个人深度以及对自己教育的所有权. Greater personal depth and ownership improve educational outcomes.

Alfred 大学 has a hands-on, “maker” culture. 这反映了我们长期扎根于陶瓷和矽谷的心脏. 我们估计, 例如, 大约70%的本科生至少有一项有意义的申请, 体验式学习体验.

在接下来的五年里, 我们将应用, experiential learning even more of a hallmark of our 大学. 感谢董事会成员米歇尔·科恩及其丈夫马蒂的慷慨解囊, we are launching our 顶点 (short for applied, experiential) program effective Fall 2018. 通过顶点, 我们的大三和大四学生将能够申请助学金,以支持申请, experiential learning opportunities such as study abroad, research beyond classroom assignments, 合作社/实习, 服务学习.

We en愿景 顶点 becoming a high point of our students’ educational experience and a signature element of the Alfred 大学 “brand.“我们渴望在促进和应用两方面都成为领先的大学, 体验式学习,并为学生提供追求这种学习的手段.

3. Build a more immersive learning model

我们的位置和规模, coupled with our curricular and co-curricular breadth, 为真正独特的沉浸式教育体验创造潜力. 的 benefits of our personalized setting hinge on student connections to 教师 and 工作人员 outside of the classroom, 课余活动, athletic programs and our buildings and grounds. 例如, 学生宿舍, 餐饮设施及服务, 锻炼区域, 学术会议空间, communal spots for student gatherings, and our natural surroundings (including trails, 马术中心, and a lake) play vital roles in student enrollment and success. 此外, 他们让学生从我们社区的多样性和包容性中受益, 从而成长为个体. Similar positive impacts occur when there are opportunities for students to interact with 教师 and 工作人员 outside of academic settings. 因此, we will advance 我们的使命、愿景和价值观 through planned, mission-centered improvements in our facilities and grounds, 以及通过创新举措鼓励教职员工生活在我们的社区.

Thanks to the philanthropic support of Board members, 捐助者, 和朋友, we have begun renovating Moskowitz Residence Hall, 我们的化学实验室, 和健身. 2017年12月, 纽约州向我们大学提供了100万美元的区域经济发展委员会赠款,用于翻新南大厅,并创建一站式商店,通过将我们的相关中心与本地区的公司联系起来,促进经济发展, 状态, 和国家. 我们现在正在通过其他私人和公共来源筹集所需的配套资金. 该项目为来自各个学科的学生提供了一个最先进的生活和学习建筑的潜力, 哪些将促进顶点与外部合作伙伴的合作机会.

Of the first-year students matriculating to our 大学 in 2017, 42 percent are student-athletes. Not only are athletic programs a vehicle for recruiting and, 在大多数运动中, 留住学生, they represent a vital means for developing leadership, 球队踢出, 时间管理, 以及适应力技能. Thanks to the generosity of board members, 校友, 和朋友, 我们已经开始升级学生运动员的举重室和更衣室. 此外, 考虑到团队练习日程安排的一个限制因素是我们的现场设施, 我们正在探索放松这一限制的方法,同时改善学生运动员在学习和运动之间的平衡.

我们拥有通过传统的住宿校园体验创造沉浸式学习环境的所有基本要素,这是我们学生所珍视的,也是我们品牌的标志. We will create a winning mix of these ingredients for the benefit of our students and Alfred 大学.

4. 利用陶瓷

的 New York State College of Ceramics was established at Alfred 大学 in 1900 through then-Governor Teddy Roosevelt’s support. Because of this public-private partnership, we are a leader in ceramic art and 工程 and glass art, 工程, 和科学. This redounds to the benefit of our broader 大学 and scores of organizations hiring our graduates. 例如, our School of Art and Design regularly ranks in the top ten in the country due to our preeminence in ceramic and glass art. 的 reputation of our Inamori School of Engineering rests primarily on our excellence in ceramic 工程 and glass 工程/science. 2004年,Dr。. 稻盛和夫, the founder of two Fortune 500 firms (Kyocera and KCCI), 由于他从我们学校招募的陶瓷工程师以及他们对他创业成功的影响,他向我们工程学院捐赠了一份重要的命名礼物.

Tremendous opportunities exist for us to build on the distinction we have achieved in ceramics and glass including:

  • 的 工程 of biomedical implants.
  • LED lighting that promotes safety and sustainability.
  • 设计, from both an 工程 and arts perspective, 特斯拉的电动汽车和自动驾驶汽车的组件.
  • Composites that improve the efficiency and durability of turbines for aircraft and renewable energy sources.
  • Enhanced ways to transmit voice and data through fiber-optic cable.
  • Filters to increase potable water supplies and mitigate environmentally harmful emissions from mobile and stationary sources.
  • 推动3D打印和增材制造革命的材料和工艺.
  • 为我们的移动设备提供强化和其他更高质量的玻璃产品, 电器, 还有电视屏幕.

我们将通过加强公共和私人资金流,抓住这些机会. Hiring a new 工程 dean plus investing in a full complement of 工程 教师 will be critical. We will explore a dual degree program, BS in Engineering coupled with a BFA in Art and Design, 促进本校两个不同专业之间的交流,以满足市场对跨学科人才的需求. 此外, 我们将在我们的特色陶瓷课程与校园内的其他单元(如商业和文科)之间建立课程衔接,以使我们的学生受益, 大学, 和国家. Bottom line: we intend to capitalize on ceramics.

Key Foundational Initiatives Supporting Our 战略计划

As more fully spelled out by our various unit plans, five key foundational initiatives support our strategic plan and determine our five-year financial plans:

1. Build and promote the Alfred 大学 brand

Articulating our brand in an authentic, 清晰的, and compelling manner through relevant channels such as our website, 广告, 社交媒体, 印刷材料, 校园标识, and events is critical to our success in terms of enrollment, 校友参与, and building our organizational culture. 我们正在采取措施这样做,同时建立一个集中的营销部门,将创建持续的内容,以支持我们的品牌努力, ensure the dynamism of our website content, 领导我们的图形标识和核心信息的战略方向, 管理我们在社交媒体上的努力, 创建打印材料, 制作新闻稿, and match on-campus experts with media outlets.

2. Enhance student recruitment and success

Nearly 80 percent of our annual revenues hinge on student enrollment—tuition as well as ancillary services such as room and board. 在接下来的五年里, 我们的目标是在不影响质量的前提下,将第一年的入学人数增加到550人, 将我们的留校率和毕业率提高至少五个百分点, and grow non-traditional enrollments by 50 percent.

的 unit plans detail the tactics that we are relying upon to achieve our residential student enrollment and success goals. 我们的策略包括:

  • More proactively reaching out to prospective students.
  • 迷人的校友, 教师, 工作人员, 当前的学生, 和朋友们帮助我们通过志愿者支持阿尔弗雷德(VISA)项目招募未来的学生,然后在他们入学后指导他们.
  • Arranging more campus visit opportunities for prospective students.
  • 通过我们的课程和课外活动所培养的专业和技能,清晰地概述和促进通往职业成功的道路.
  • 培养吸引和留住学生的课程和课外活动.
  • Eliminating administrative silos that impede student success.
  • Enhancing our data analytics to better promote student success.
  • Focusing on a first-year experience that builds community and identity among our students as Alfred 大学 Saxons.

To increase non-traditional enrollments, we are building community college partnerships, 邀请校友担任大使, and deepening our cooperation with CITE, the firm helping us market and manage our AUNY programs.

3. Strengthen 校友参与 and philanthropic investment

从根本上, 我们的校友就越投入,他们对我们大学的归属感也就越强, the brighter will be our 大学’s future.

我们将通过确定相关的网络联系以及为他们所属的组织招聘联系,帮助毕业生进行持续的专业发展. 反过来, 我们将让我们的校友作为未来学生的招聘者(通过VISA项目), 演讲者, 导师, 顾问委员会成员. Our graduates can identify 顶点 learning opportunities as well as internship and job leads for our 当前的学生.

In terms of philanthropic investment, we will promote three-part giving: annual discretionary support, 重要的礼物, 和遗赠. In encouraging the habit of the heart, we will double annual discretionary support for our 大学. We will give particular emphasis to attracting at least 750 members to our five-year leadership giving society, 撒克逊人圈, 为大学的各种活动,特别是阿尔弗雷德基金,提供自由裁量的支持.

We will increase membership in our Heritage Circle, 由在遗产计划中指定我校的捐款人组成, 以及代表在线赌博承诺的巨额捐赠的数量. 我们的策略目标, 我们将增加每年对奖学金的慈善支持和捐赠教职员工职位的数量(从2017学年开始时的18个增加到27个)。. Other opportunities for 重要的礼物 to advance our strategic objectives include $15 million to permanently endow our 顶点 program, 1000万美元用于建设一个创新的南厅生活学习社区, 还有2000万美元用于扩张, 通过圆顶体育场的倡议, 我们的体育设施,同时更好地支持我们周围的社区.

4. Increase support for research and socio-economic development

我们已经向纽约州申请为我们的陶瓷学院增加资金,特别强调在工程方面建立板凳强度. 建立这样的后备力量,使我们能够与能够从我们的知识专长中受益的企业合作,更好地促进经济发展. We also are making structural changes in our various centers and 大学 to promote greater success in securing research grants.

我们将与艾尔弗雷德州立学院和我们当地社区合作,向纽约州申请市区振兴投资补助金. We will also foster local socio-economic development through the 顶点 projects that our students undertake, 系列讲座, 我们的艺术工作室/博物馆, performing arts programming such as the annual Most艺术 Festival, 寻找创新的方法来鼓励更多的教职员工住在阿尔弗雷德, and nurturing entrepreneurial activity by our students, 工作人员, 和老师.

5. Build an entrepreneurial culture that empowers our people

Successful organizations have cultures focused on creating a better future through the innovativeness, 奉献, 以及对员工的所有权. Fostering such a culture is integral to enhancing our 大学’s impact as well as taking better care of our people and place. 我们将加强我们的组织文化,为我们的员工提供更多的机会,帮助我们为在线赌博创造更美好的未来,同时适当地认可和奖励他们的创业贡献.


虽然我们可以为在线赌博在过去181年里取得的成就感到自豪, 未来是我们关注的焦点. 记住这一点, 我们的战略计划概述了能够最好地推进我们使命的转型目标, 愿景, 价值观以及实现这些目标所需的关键基础举措. When it comes to providing the intersection between opportunity and impact through transforming student lives and bettering our world, 我们将为我们的大学塑造一个更加光明的未来,从而最好地纪念我们之前的几代人,他们牺牲了很多,把我们放在今天的关头.


牧师. 2-5-18